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Look no further for a good night’s sleep


Look no further for a good night’s sleep


Look no further for a good night’s sleep

Do peaceful,  zen-like thoughts come to mind when you think of your bedroom? If you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, creating a restful room is one way to achieve it.
First, keep the temperature of your bedroom cool. Experts recommend keeping your bedroom temperature between 60 and 67. For some, a cool bedroom with lots of blankets (comforters, quilts or other covers) is a reliable way for a peaceful sleep. Extra blankets provide warmth and also provide weight that some people find to be therapeutic, releasing the hormone serotonin which has a calming effect. 

Light plays a large role in your sleep cycle and having dark space helps you get quality sleep. Darkness lets your body and mind know that it’s time to rest. No matter what time of day/night you sleep (for example, you may sleep during daylight if you’re a night shift worker), it’s wise to have a shade over your window(s) that keeps your room dark, regardless of the time of day. Experts recommend using blackout curtains made from opaque fabric and that cover the entire window. Studies have also shown that more soothing cool colours like blue or beiges as opposed to red and yellow help with your sleep cycle and better quality sleep. 

As much as possible, free yourself from distractions and keep your room free of clutter and clean. Electronic distractions like television, laptops, tablets and phones emit light that can interfere with your sleep cycle, preventing you from falling asleep quickly. Other distractions like  magazines or excessive decorations may make you anxious – most people feel more at peace and less anxious when surrounded by a tidy space. A clean room can also help reduce possible allergens like pet dander or dust, which could also interfere with your sleep. 

If there’s any room in your house to have minimalistic decor, it’s your bedroom. Give it a try, and have sweet dreams!


Look no further for a good night’s sleep

Do peaceful,  zen-like thoughts come to mind when you think of your bedroom? If you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, creating a restful room is one way to achieve it.
First, keep the temperature of your bedroom cool. Experts recommend keeping your bedroom temperature between 60 and 67. For some, a cool bedroom with lots of blankets (comforters, quilts or other covers) is a reliable way for a peaceful sleep. Extra blankets provide warmth and also provide weight that some people find to be therapeutic, releasing the hormone serotonin which has a calming effect. 

Light plays a large role in your sleep cycle and having dark space helps you get quality sleep. Darkness lets your body and mind know that it’s time to rest. No matter what time of day/night you sleep (for example, you may sleep during daylight if you’re a night shift worker), it’s wise to have a shade over your window(s) that keeps your room dark, regardless of the time of day. Experts recommend using blackout curtains made from opaque fabric and that cover the entire window. Studies have also shown that more soothing cool colours like blue or beiges as opposed to red and yellow help with your sleep cycle and better quality sleep. 

As much as possible, free yourself from distractions and keep your room free of clutter and clean. Electronic distractions like television, laptops, tablets and phones emit light that can interfere with your sleep cycle, preventing you from falling asleep quickly. Other distractions like  magazines or excessive decorations may make you anxious – most people feel more at peace and less anxious when surrounded by a tidy space. A clean room can also help reduce possible allergens like pet dander or dust, which could also interfere with your sleep. 

If there’s any room in your house to have minimalistic decor, it’s your bedroom. Give it a try, and have sweet dreams!
