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Focus on this for better focus


Focus on this for better focus


Focus on this for better focus

Focus on regular meditation to improve your focus! Meditation trains your brain to ignore distractions and to stay calm when faced with stressors or distractions, allowing you to be more focused in the present moment. Research also shows that meditation lowers stress level,  reduces blood pressure, improves digestive and sleep issues, and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Meditation is a mind and body practice that has been used for thousands of years to achieve a clear and calm mental state and physical relaxation, improve psychological balance, cope with illness, and enhance overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior.

Meditation is a skill that can be learned. Getting started is as simple as dedicating 3 – 5 minutes of your time to sitting comfortably in a quiet spot. A goal of 10 minutes + every day is recommended for health and wellness benefits. has a simple beginner video to get you started.  

Once you get started, try out one of our curated apps for ongoing guidance – apps include Headspace, Calm and Breathe. We’ve found these apps to be easy-to-use and credible –add the one you like best to your personal inventory of apps. When you sign up with one of these apps, you’ll be guided through meditation sessions and provided with timely reminders to engage in the sessions.  

 You may want to experiment with the time of day fits in your daily schedule meditation a daily habit. Some people find that first thing in the morning is best, and is a way to kick-off the day right, while others like to schedule a break during the day and use the session as a way to re-centre and focus themselves during their work day.

Focus on this for better focus

Focus on regular meditation to improve your focus! Meditation trains your brain to ignore distractions and to stay calm when faced with stressors or distractions, allowing you to be more focused in the present moment. Research also shows that meditation lowers stress level,  reduces blood pressure, improves digestive and sleep issues, and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Meditation is a mind and body practice that has been used for thousands of years to achieve a clear and calm mental state and physical relaxation, improve psychological balance, cope with illness, and enhance overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior.

Meditation is a skill that can be learned. Getting started is as simple as dedicating 3 – 5 minutes of your time to sitting comfortably in a quiet spot. A goal of 10 minutes + every day is recommended for health and wellness benefits. has a simple beginner video to get you started.  

Once you get started, try out one of our curated apps for ongoing guidance – apps include Headspace, Calm and Breathe. We’ve found these apps to be easy-to-use and credible –add the one you like best to your personal inventory of apps. When you sign up with one of these apps, you’ll be guided through meditation sessions and provided with timely reminders to engage in the sessions.  

 You may want to experiment with the time of day fits in your daily schedule meditation a daily habit. Some people find that first thing in the morning is best, and is a way to kick-off the day right, while others like to schedule a break during the day and use the session as a way to re-centre and focus themselves during their work day.